broken key in lock

Feelings of helplessness and dread descend upon the scene when your key snaps in your lock. There will be one way that you can remove your broken key from all six options below. Your specific situation will determine the best method. If you’re feeling helpless – call a locksmith glenroy to help get your key out.

Find your broken key removal method:

  • Tweezers
  • Broken Key Extractor
  • Hacksaw Blade
  • Super Glue
  • Tap the Cylinder
  • Probe and Pull

Ask yourself some questions to get an idea of the best solution for you. What are your strengths? What tools are you using? What depth is the broken key? After you’ve found the right method, don’t be discouraged if you are unable to remove the broken key from the lock the first time. Many of these methods will require some repetition. It is fitting that it should be so simple to break something and so difficult to fix it. If you are feeling stressed or under pressure, I recommend that you call a locksmith brunswick to come and assist you.


Do NOT Use Your Key Again

Many people believe that even if the key is lost, it should still be possible to open the lock by simply inserting the remaining key. This is a dangerous idea. You will damage the lock by trying to insert your key again. These methods work faster and easier if the key is smaller. You will have more difficulty the further back you insert the key.

Some of these methods may not work depending on how deep the key is pushed into the lock. You can either put the broken part of the key down or keep it in your pocket. This piece is not necessary. You should not throw it out. Keep your other half to give to your locksmith. A locksmith coburg can cut a brand new key from both the key and the key piece.

Quick Prep

Although this preparation is not required, it will help make the process more straightforward. Apply a lubricant on the keyway. Graphite, or another form of dry lubrication, should be used as the lubricant. Standard WD-40 is an oil-based lubricant that can cause lock internals to become clogged. The smoothness of the plug’s rotation may become a problem after a while. A graphite spray can stain easily.

Before spraying, make sure you align the nozzle of the oil so it is within the keyway. To remove any excess lubricant from the keyway, you will need a paper towel or rag. You will also need a pair needle-nosepliers to help you remove the key. You can simply pull the key out with your pliers once you have enough access to it.

Materials that may be useful

It can be hard to keep track of all the items we have in a stressful situation. It is easy to extrapolate similar materials when you read about matches or thin metal. Here are some items you might have around you or on your person that could help you get your key out.

  • Metal hair clip
  • Bobby pin
  • Paper clip
  • Safety pin
  • Button pin
  • First aid kit
  • Kit for an emergency
  • Swiss army knife
  • Playing cards
  • Pocket knife
  • Eyebrow scissors
  • Rolling pin

1. Tweezers

Most people reach for their tweezers when a key is lost in a lock. The thickness of your tweezers, and the distance the key has been removed from the lock should be your main concern. The majority of tweezers that are not sized correctly for this task will push the key further into the lock. Your tweezers should be able to open wide enough so that they can fit around the key but not too thick that they block the keys from the sides.

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Your average tweezer will not fit due to the keyways’ warding. Tweezers are best for removing a broken key from a lock. The chances of pushing the key deeper are exponentially increased if the key is too far back. While we all love Operation, sometimes life is more than a game. This method should only be attempted if you have a lot of confidence in your abilities and your tweezers.

Don’t squeeze the tweezers too hard. After grasping the key fragment with the tweezers, it will push the fragment further into the keyway. Every failed attempt at grasping the key will make it more difficult to take off.

2. Broken Key Extractor

The professional solution is to have a broken key extractor tool replaced. If the locksmith you call doesn’t make their own tools, which is likely, then they will use this tool. This tool can be used by placing it in the keyway, along with the bitting. You will need to attach the hook(s), which are located on the extractor, to the key. Place the key along the biting edge. Turn and pull the extractor to grab the key. This may require several attempts.

If you’re looking to buy a broken key extractor I warn you that, much like lock picks, you will find a lot of unnecessary variations in these tools. Some people use a single-hooked key extractor while others use a double-hooked key extractor. The other profiles are not necessary. Save some money and buy one or two of these profiles.

It is unlikely that a professional can deal with a broken key in a lock. However, this tool is what you should be aiming to duplicate with your DIY methods. As you try to remove the key using other methods, you can refer to the information on the broken-key extractor.

3. Hacksaw Blade

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a specialist broken key extractor. Instead, you can build one from a small hacksaw blade. This will also work well with small jigsaw knives. You want a thin piece that can fit into your keyway with your broken key. You can remove the blade from the lock by using needle nose pliers.

If your blade’s serrations are at an angle, you can place the blade in the keyway to ensure that the serrations face back towards you. This will make it easier to insert the blade and also makes it easier to hook the key. This can be used in a similar way to the broken key extractor. Line up the serrations of the blade with the bitting. Your broken key should be easy to remove by turning the handle and pulling. Try again if the key doesn’t come out on the first attempt. This works best if you have spare blades or can travel to a hardware shop.

Do not force the blade into a keyway. Adjust the blade if it is not fitting smoothly. It should be thin enough that it can fit into the keyhole.

4. Super Glue

It seems counterintuitive to use super glue to remove a lock. This is also one of my favorite methods that fails quite often. It is possible, if you’re really stuck and have the supplies, to do this. You can glue the key to a match to make it easy to pull out. Do not attempt this if the key is stuck in the keyway too far. Superglue works best when the key is still accessible.

Place some super glue on the ends of a small wire, or match. Remove any glue that isn’t needed or apply more glue to the end of the wire before you get it near the keyway. Too much glue can damage the lock. Too much glue can cause the glue to stick. The match/wire should be held against the broken key. Use pressure to ensure that the broken key is not pushed further into the lock. Allow the substances to bind for the recommended time, then remove your match from the lock like the bow of a key.

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Do not try to turn the key to open the lock if the glue has dried. The key cannot be turned with a torque force of more than the binding point.

5. Tap the Cylinder

To tap the cylinder you need to be able point the keyway toward the ground. This method might work if you have a padlock, or are able to remove a cylinder. The lock should be positioned so that the keyhole faces down. Now, use a hammer to strike the lock. This would allow you to strike a solid surface with a hammer by smashing the cylinder. Although I prefer striking the lock’s keyway side over the back, if it is going to work, it should work both ways.

This method works by keeping the lock in place so gravity can pull the key out. Although this is not a common option, it can be done with very few tools. You should not strike the lock too hard during this process. A locksmith can repair the lock core. Further hassles can be caused by damage to the core of the lock.

Tap the cylinder to check if the key to your bike lock is missing. Bicycle locks are the easiest to turn so that you face the ground. You will only need one tool to hit the lock. This can be found in your immediate environment (e.g. A rock, a piece of wood, lengths of plastic or any other solid material are all you will need.

6. Probe and Pull

You can use two small pieces of metal to probe the keyway and then pull the key out. Place a piece on each side of the key. Both sides refer to the sides that interact on the lock’s warding. Your tools don’t have to be placed in very far. Place them just enough to exert pressure. Next, pull the key towards you. You will likely only be able to move the key a little.

You will eventually be able to get the key out by re-using the technique. You can also pull the key out by prying it out. Turn your wrists inward and slide the key out. These tools can be useful if you have lock picks or are proficient in lock picking. You should ensure that you don’t use picks that have high value because they could be damaged by the process.

If you are unable to find metal probe material, consider using thin plastic or study papers stock. To make your probes, you can cut small strips from playing cards. To give yourself more grip, you can build up the material that is not being inserted into the lock using tape.

fixing broken locks in a door


How do you get a locked key out of a lock that isn’t working?

A locksmith will be the best, fastest, and most reliable method to extract a broken lock key. Professional tools and an experienced hand are the only way to go. Although it is possible to do this type of work yourself, it can be frustrating and time-consuming. It will take patience and time to find the DIY solution that works for you.

How long is it to remove a locked key?

Most broken keys can be removed by a professional locksmith in less than a minute. The process can take longer depending on the circumstances. Keep in mind, however, that DIY methods to remove a broken lock key can take longer – because it requires more education and materials.

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What causes a lock to open when a key is broken?

If keys or locks are not working properly, the key user will have to turn the key more often than necessary. Every turn of the key without causing the lock cylinder to rotate stresses the key blade. The key can snap if it is subjected to repeated stress or extreme torque. You can prevent keys from breaking in locks by using the right key and locks that are properly working.

How can I contact a locksmith to replace a lost key in a lock?

Locksmiths are trained to remove broken keys from locks. A locksmith can remove the key from the lock and make a new one or open the door. If you are unable to get the key out of the lock, it is a good idea call a locksmith.

What is the cost of getting a locked key broken?

United Locksmith charges $35 to extract a key from a residential or commercial door. $65. A new car key is required in almost all cases of car key extraction. Your locksmith technician will likely charge you $120 to create a new key for car key extraction.

How can I get a key from a lock?

Yes, even if your key is broken and you don’t have another, a locksmith will still be able to make you a replacement key. It can be done for residential, commercial, or car keys. The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the code that is used to identify car keys. This allows locksmiths to create a new key from scratch. You can take apart commercial and residential locks or decode the key to create a new one. It is important to contact a professional locksmith.

Is it possible to get in after I have removed the broken key from my lock?

After getting your key broken out of the lock, calling a locksmith is the best option to gain access to your home, office, or car. Do not damage your locks or doors if you are trying DIY entry techniques. There are many ways to unlock a locked door or get in to your car without having the key.


You should be able get any broken key out of any lock using all these methods. It doesn’t matter what lock type you use or the object they are attached too, as long as the materials are right, it shouldn’t be a problem. Take your time. These are easy ways to make a terrible situation worse. It is often the best thing to do in order to save time.

Don’t rush if you are in a hurry. This is how accidents happen. This is why most people will freak out. You won’t. You will feel calmer than ever before. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you keep your wits about yourself. Don’t think about the appointment. You can always reschedule. Tell your office that you are late. You don’t lose anything if you arrive on time. This is possible. You can accomplish anything! You can do anything! Get the broken key out of this lock.